Where are the B's hiding? This is an ongoing series in the tradition of "Where's Jonathan".

Saturday, January 28, 2006

B5 looks for Lake George

This vast expanse of grazing land is "Lake George". It has fences, dams and tracks. It is great grazing land.
Older friends of ours remember it having water at some time, and if there are some really, REALLY, heavy rains over an extended time it might happen again.

So we had B5 point to the lake. Click on the photo for a closer look.
This article is from 2002 at the height of the drought, discussing the lack of water and the mystery of the disappearing lake.

Friday, January 13, 2006

B4 enjoys the summer at home

We arrived home to a fog enclosed village. After driving in temperatures in the mid to high 30C's for most of the day this was a pleasant surprise.
Here he is pointing out the fog on a typical summer's day.

B1 goes a-concreting

B1 wanted to help his hosts while visiting. Although he is not known for his skills at manual labour he was willing to give it a go. He was provided with blue overalls, he donned his sunglasses and special ERP Visions baseball cap and went to work.
Here he is showing us the real worker. All he did was push the wheelbarrow and level the top of the wall. He figured that he had once played in the sand making sandcastles, so levelling the wall couldn't be too hard.
His host said it would do. Great praise indeed!

S11 shows us her weird cat

S11 (no relation to S7) joined in B Where's by showing us her very odd cat.

Note the cat's eye colours? They are different. One is blue and the other green/brown.

(We keep spare sunglasses in the car whenever we can rope others into B Where's)

B3 joins the fight against fruit flies

A Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone exists in the prime fruit growing areas of NSW, Victoria and South Australia where it is forbidden to bring fresh fruit. This is all in an attempt to protect the fruit growers from the fruit fly (read here to read why the fruit fly is so bad).
As one enters the zone there are lots of warnings of $200 on the spot fines if fruit is found in your vehicle. In 12 months inspectors seized over 80 tonnes of fruit!
B3 is doing her bit and showing where she threw away the tomatoes and watermelon we didn't get to eat before entering the zone.

B7 sees a nice doggie

Five miles from Gundagai is another tourist stop with cafe, petrol station and rest area remembering the dog that sat on the tuckerbox.
This dog is best known from a poem/song called "Nine miles from Gundagai" by Jack Moses.
B7 wanted to get her turn on B Where's.

B4 verses the Giant Merino

There are tourist traps all over Australia using a giant something as the Lure. Goulburn has the Giant Merino. When it was built the main highway connecting Melbourne and Sydney went through Goulburn and many people stopped here. Now Goulburn is bypassed, the Giant Merino is looking a little worn.

B4 felt it needed looking into.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

B2 wins in the spotting game

B2 is very quick to compete in the spotting game when we are out.

This lovely red bug gains B2 1.5 points and matches her top. A double bonus!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

S7 shows us her Joey

None of the B clan were available so we roped in S7 to show us the joey they had rescued from its dead mother's pouch. The joey is quite happy in the converted jumper/sweater and is growing stronger every day.

We considered putting sunglasses on the Joey but felt it was allowed to exemption from the rule.

B6 shows us a hanging rock

Some local wag decided to add interest to a local road sign. It was B6's turn to show us the rock.

(The weather was a lot different from the 45C (115F) temperature on New Year's day!)