Where are the B's hiding? This is an ongoing series in the tradition of "Where's Jonathan".

Sunday, April 30, 2006

B2 and B5 brave a bonfire

B5 had a bonfire for his birthday so he claimed the privelege of showing you HIS fire. It was a bit hot for marshmallows but fire is like a magnet for boys, so burnt marshmallows was the way to go.

B2 wanted to show you the bonfire her own way.

I always said she had fire in her eyes.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Will B4 take the money?

B4 attended today's Passion Play and was offered 30 pieces of silver by the high priest Caiaphas not to have this photo published on B Where's. B Where's is too important and the money was tainted.
Caiaphas offered it to Judas who accepted the money.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hmmm Avacado!

B5 is fascinated by any place big enough to be called Tropical Fruit World.

We went, we saw, we ate.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Has B6 met his match?

B6 may like playing as a knight, but this one may be a bit large to provide a fair fight.
I wonder if this knight is friendly?

(Macadamia Castle, near Byron Bay, NSW)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

B4 now needs to find a barbie.

Where can B4 find a barbie big enough for this prawn?

This is one of the early "Big Things" and is in Ballina, NSW.